yer I've had it for a few months now.. yes it drains battery. also if you want to get the new android versions before they are released officially.. root your phone and instead roms.. it will void warranty but it is epic!
It might not work but it seems to be a very popular technique.. I find that students who tend to study consistently in Year 12 end up cramming in Uni, which is stupid considering that your UNI marks are more important than HSC marks.
I don't know who Matt Dillahunty is so I'm not going respond to that. But I never intended it to be evidence of god, I said that I found God through personal experience and that a lot of other people have also, and that I believe is the only true way of fully knowing whether God truly exists...
This debate is really pointless, if you are truly seeking God you'll find him. This is the way it works in Christianity, you can read all the apologetics books you want, listen to all the philosophers, and still not be fulfilled in your belief. Why? Because Christianity is about a relationship...
So what if it is for short-term memory only. Cramming obviously won't help you retain the information in 6 months time but that isn't the point of the HSC. The HSC is just obtaining a mark.. therefore I think that it is more better to cram for the HSC then for Uni. But I'm aiming to not cram for...
What are your experiences with cramming? Has it been effective to you or has it been detrimental to your grades? Personally I find that I constantly have to cram for tests and assignments due to procrastination and bad time-management and the added pressure just skyrockets my productivity. So...
I can honestly that I have felt the same as you, in fact I've become depressed because throughout high school I never gave a shit about my studies and now in Year 12 I'm finding it hard to study and am a constant procrastinator so this has had a major impact on my grades thus far.. there have...