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  1. unLimitieDx

    Is it ok to go to the enrolment session having not decided with UoS you are doing?

    Re: Is it ok to go to the enrolment session having not decided with UoS you are doing You should have some idea of the units you wish to study. If you decide to change your units of study then its fine as long as its before the census date (31st march).
  2. unLimitieDx

    What do I have to bring on my enrollment session for b.eco??????

    It's just the uac letter showing that you are offered the course.
  3. unLimitieDx


    I achieved a 4u mark of 87 would i be capable of the advanced mathematic units?
  4. unLimitieDx

    USYD Roll Call 2013

    Bachelor of Science(Advanced) I
  5. unLimitieDx

    Who is finishing tommorow?

    Let the gaming begin.
  6. unLimitieDx

    Impact of DET laptops

    Hours spent on laptop at school : ~20hours
  7. unLimitieDx

    Whose pumped for Chemistry

    Kinda pumped it is the last test :P Just gotta revise over solvay process and NaOH cells
  8. unLimitieDx

    Does anyone feel like they're getting lazier towards the end of their hsc?

    Was sorta dope the last week before physics now its last test give it my all!
  9. unLimitieDx

    Anyone else do this?

    same did a-c on booklets 1 and 2, the supervisor just told me to change the booklet number at the front
  10. unLimitieDx

    Anyone with Computer building experience?

    800W powersupply? Thats sorta overkill if you're not gonna SLI I would suggest this http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=15_995&products_id=15350 it's just as good but 40$ cheaper. 8gb is suffice is you just plan on gaming
  11. unLimitieDx

    HELP!! Halving the Interval Q

    I've had this problem Hope this helps http://community.boredofstudies.org/showthread.php?t=291794
  12. unLimitieDx

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 2

    Curse that volumes question, figured it out after the exam!
  13. unLimitieDx


    yes one mark!
  14. unLimitieDx

    School App ideas ?!

    School timetable? :D
  15. unLimitieDx

    Any Tips for the 4unit Exam

    If you dont know an mcq question, the answers C :D
  16. unLimitieDx

    What extra stuff should we learn for 4 unit

    So many un-heard terms :(
  17. unLimitieDx

    Who's looking forward to math? :)

    The only decent test imo even if i an unable to do all the questions (:
  18. unLimitieDx

    Mathematic abbreviations

    What about the generic angle symbol?