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  1. T

    UMAT: Was a random BoSer sitting near you?

    Session: 8 AM Seat T26 Attire: plain white tee, black jeans, noraml black vans. Extremely tall, large afro, african, ripped body
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    Top 5 favourite shows and movies

    Going to start watching suits :D
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    Top 5 favourite shows and movies

    I'm more of a fan of the actual the comics then the films themselves
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    Top 5 favourite shows and movies

    to anyone who likes movie that make you think watch donnie darko, memento and the prestige especially memento
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    Top 5 favourite shows and movies

    So what are your top 5 favourite shows and films? Mine are:For films 1.The prestige 2.Donny Darko 3.Fight Club 4. Unbreakable 5.Memento Shows: 1. Breaking Bad 2. Heroes 3. Full Metal Alchemist 4. Community 5.Smallville
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    Going to the movies by yourself

    I go to the movies by myself sometimes, and it it isn't so bad unless you meet someone you know there and they ask "who you with?".....awkward