These are the HSC marks i got:
English Standard - 78
General Maths - 77
Modern History - 74
Software Design - 78
IT - 90
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU that moment when you realize you won't get the ATAR you want :(
Hi all, So I've applied to 5 universities in Victoria, but my friends say they all applied to housing months ago, and have secured their spots should they get in.
Honestly, I didn't realize you had to apply separately (lawl, naive). So that being said, is it too late? Will all spots already be...
I don't understand why everyone is only just getting their ranks now. I know they were published on the BOS site, but my school gave them to us with our report cards (like 4 weeks ago). I wonder why other schools didn't do this. O_O.
I just used this
and guessed what i thoguht my marks...
Hey Aysce, I just had my software exam and I think I did a little better than expected... I think i got around 65/100 for software development. Do you think my atar would change much with software going from 50/100 to 65/100? How much?
Thanks :)
Edit: I'm trying to calculate it myself using...
Hey all I couldn't find a relevant spot to put this, so I'll put it here. I guess it still is relevant to the subforum as it does pertain to the HSC.
Basically I need a ~78 ATAR for the courses I want. 75 may be applicable given some of them have a high % below acceptance (maybe 25-50%).
According to this (it's only 2010, can't find one for 2011) it's 114. Coffs Harbour Senior College. My friend thinks that this year our ranking is probably around 160 or so, though.
Thanks :)
Just updating this thread with hope of some answers for my next question...
How do you guys think my ranks would affect my estimated ATAR of around 75 given the marks in the original post?
Ranks --- Position in Exam:
English Standard: 30/123. --- 28/122.
General Maths...
Hi all. Don't you just love the HSC? I sure do. Anyway... I'm stressing so much because I went on an ATAR calculator and it stated my ATAR would be approximately 50. Now, I need around a 70 to get in to the uni I want (that's not including special considerations/SEAS, if I get accepted). I'm...
Hey all, so I have my HSC coming up soon, and I'm doing alright in every other subject, I'm aiming for an ATAR of at least 70 which I really hope I can get... All of my classes my mark currently is around 65-75, with IT being around 95, and history only being around 50. I'm absolutely terrible...