you're lucky you're an eng kid otherwise you'd be FUCKED
idk the specifics or if this is exactly how it works but afaik
you eng guys have a special WAM thing where like
1st year subs = 10%
2nd year 20%
3rd year 30%
4th year (honours) 40% of final WAM
thing going on so really just don't...
she's obviously too ~~inept~~ to consider the possibility of homosexual males using this site and the possibility that riproot could be joking
which tbh anyone would've picked up on with the satirical misspelling and emoticon usage
tsk tsk little lifeboats assumption is a habit of fools
the girls are a bit up themselves but they're essentially saying how ridiculously easy it is to get away with rote learning in the hsc/true intelligence isn't necessarily reflected in the hsc
which is true