Fuark bro nostalgia, fancy bumping into you here ahah
I haven't uploaded in a while but yeah
And here's my older one
Okay so I got to do a Viva Voce on my performance. I'm playing Voodoo Child on the drums with my friend playing on the guitar and I was wondering what sort of questions I can include? Like, do they have to be formal questions and responses?
I got half yearlies coming up too, and this is the most study I've done in a long time. Maybe it's the electives you've chosen? If you've chosen what you like I think studying is far more enjoyable and requires less motivation.
When I study, post-rock sets the mood right since it's just instrumental, I do occasionally listen to music with lyrics while studying but I think it's a bit distracting sometimes. But yeah, it might be better to get used to working without music since you can't bring music into the examination...
Wow that's some family hahaha, oh well best of luck!! Georges River Senior Campus as in Oatley? I have a couple of friends that go there. To be honest, I wouldn't recommend it, unless your current school is THAT bad. One friend of mine who couldn't make it to St George ended up going to...
In science last year we were learning about reproduction and the teacher started talking about STDs and he told us about some of his previous sexual experiences, which was pretty weird LOL. I asked him about penis sizes and he said "It's not the size of the cannon but the power of the shot"
Well from what I've read, you should get into St. George pretty easily haha, I mean I go to Tech and we got like 20-30 new guys in Year 11, and a few of them are from Hurstville Boys so yeah.