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    Can i do a subject before the corequisite subject?

    Looking at the timetables, I can do everything on one day, but in doing so, one of the subjects that is a corequisite for the other will end up being after the second subject. Will this work or should I choose different days where the corequisite subject will be first?
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    This is what I (sort of) tried to show. Not sure if my wording made any sense though...
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    He's hoping that if he repeats it enough he may actually believe it.
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    What's the go with only getting one booklet per question to start with? I used at least two for each question...
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    People saying it was easy probably did it wrong.
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    Proper format of circle equation

    When I work out the equation of a circle, I square the radius. However, In a few past papers I've completed, the answer is left as r^2 (with whatever the radius is - say 4^2 instead of 16). Does it matter that I square it? Or should I leave it as r^2?
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    2014 hsc industrial technology graphics major design project ideas?

    Choose what you think will be the most interesting and fun to do. I did architecture this year, not sure how I went, but it was really fun and interesting, so I liked it. That's what you want - you want to like what you've chosen for your major because you'll put more effort into it (although...
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    Creative rumors

    Why not? It works for Frankenstein...
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    Is my handwriting going to be a problem?

    At least it wasn't flatlining...
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    Is my handwriting going to be a problem?

    What about something in between? I do a sort of cursive print, if that makes sense.
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    Creative rumors

    Mine's a fucking daydream with flashbacks in between... I'm screwed.
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    Belonging related text ideas???

    And here:
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    Tomorrows Exam

    Really, Chris? They only reminded us every fu*king day of the last term...
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    HSC exam 2013: prediction for eng adv paper 2 (mods) speeches

    I reckon it will be. If it is, do we have to link it with Bandler? I'd prefer just to us Suu Kyi - I feel like I know hers heaps good...
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    Preparing for a specified speech (Mod B)

    And we can't even rule any off, cause if they ask about Atwood, Suu Kyi's fits in with that the most, as does Bandler's with Pearson's speech... I am really not looking forward to Paper 2.
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    Preparing for a specified speech (Mod B)

    Would they really specify one of the smaller speeches? I honestly feel like this year we have Pearson's coming at us....
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    Thoughts: CSSA English Paper 1

    Same here... English is my only worry, but Belonging is alright. The modules is what's going to screw a whole bunch of people. If they ask for two texts for Module C I'm really done - don't even have time to finish my first ORT properly.
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    Thoughts: CSSA English Paper 1

    Man, section 1 screwed me over.... Only got a, b and d fully done. Section two I just added to and manipulated a bit of my story here and there (did the map one) and section three was alright except for them specifying just one ORT. If they hadn't, I could have just copied my half yearly essay...
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    What exactly is the difference between a situation and an event?

    I don't exactly remember what I was told by my teacher, but she said something along the lines of an event being something that happens once, but the situation is ongoing. I went onto the HSC Online website and it (for Julius Caesar) has power and politics as examples of situations - I would...
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    Tales from Outer Suburbia - Shaun Tan Belonging Notes

    HI everyone, I was thinking of doing Shaun Tan's "Tales from Outer Suburbia" as one of my ORT's. I was wondering if anyone has any notes on it - I can't find anything on the internet. I only want notes to add to what I have, I don't want them to copy. Thanks