Are your grades letting you down?
If that's the case, I'll be able to help. I graduated High School in 2013 with fantastic results. I currently studying Medical Science at the University of Sydney and have continually built upon my mathematics and science skill set. I'm offering tutoring for...
So I was just trying to buy my access card online, so I wouldn't have to wait as long during o-week, but it says it costs $0.00 so I can't really buy it using a credit card. Is this the case with anybody else?
It really has extremely little to do with what textbook you use. Of course certain textbooks like Maths In Focus do not have very challenging exercises (although their test yourself and challenge exercises are great for topic revision) but this is to ensure the basic skill is mastered first...
BOS take into account the rank order, which can be decided by fractions of a percent. The issue is that the OP is ranked equally to somebody that technically achieved a lower assessment mark.
It could effect you HSC result, so I'd probably take it up with them.
I used to feel slightly embarrassed about my school. Nobody else at my school really did/does, but they didn't really see it as a big difference. My main issue was that many people from higher ranked/more prestigious schools felt confident that their school was better, just because of how people...
So, as the title suggests, I'm in need of some advice. My English class had an assignment due yesterday, the first day back from trials. Only three people (Of about 12) handed it in, and the others are now complaining saying they didn't know and there's no point in me making a big deal about the...
Hey, I have an assignment about water testing and it specifically says we must include a graph for each section. When I measured the turbidity I was only able to obtain a range, 0-10 NTU. I was wondering how I'm suppose to graph this.
Any help's appreciated!
It really doesn't matter. The school ranking is not necessarily an indication of the teaching quality, but merely demonstrates the quality of the cohort. If you think your children would fit in better at the higher ranking private school, then I'd send them there. However, they can still excel...
Thanks! May I ask what the advantages of writing notes out by hand, rather than on a computer? I know you can retain my information writing, so I was thinking of rewriting them after I write them on a computer?
Hey guys, I'm maintaining decent marks, but they won't support the atar I need. Just wondering if anybody had any tips regarding how to approach exam prep, general note making and study for year 12. Thanks in advance!