Hi, I was just wondering whether 2nd year chemical engineering is harder or on par with 1st year? A lot of people say 2nd year is easier/better than 1st year and a lot of people say 1st year is better than second year.
Hi, I am currently studying engineering at USYD, however i would like to switch to a combined degree, either with science, commerce or medical science when possible. How do i go about doing this, will it be possible do to do this at the end of the year?
What do you guys think of my Engineering timetable. Ive tried to keep thursday and friday as free as possible for study time and so i can work a part time job. Do you think its manageable? Tuesday is the only day where there are no breaks but I think i can manage seeing as it is only a half day.
I have recently enrolled at USYD for Engineering, however because i don't have 3U assumed knowledge the academic advisor enrolled me in the fundamental Math unit MATH1011 (Applications of Calculus) instead of the core unit MATH1001 (Differential Calculus). She went on to say that MATH1011 will...
My school rank is 150 and I have been doing really well throughout my assessments this year getting around 70-75% in all of them and obtaining a final assessment rank of 10/115 which is really good. I feel as if my Raw mark would also be around the 70-75 mark. What performance band should I be...
My internal mark for chemistry was approx 85 and my rank was 6/27, However i feel like my Raw mark achieved in the actual HSC exam would be in the 60's. After aligning, scaling, moderation and all the other processes that take place, is it still possible for me to achieve a band 6 or band 5?
All year the highest I have gotten for my belonging Essay is 11/15 using One quote for One technique per paragraph, having 2 paragraphs for my prescribed 2 paragraphs for my related. If i use 3 quotes and 3 techniques per paragraph will this help me get at least a 13?
Also how many pages is...
Is it possible for the BOS to specify which speeches you need to write an essay on. There are 6-7 prescribed speeches so it is quite difficult to memorise content from that many speeches. Would it be safe going in knowing 3 speeches in depth?
My prescribed text is the play Rainbows End by Jane Harrison..
I have 2 related texts prepared and analysed.. I have the short film "New Boy" directed by Steph Green and the poem "We Are Going" by poet Oodgeroo Noonuccal. Which one should i use in my belonging essay. Are any of these related...
I have been averaging above the 90's for chemistry and SORII all year and i feel as if my trials for each of them will bring me down significantly. I'm also averaging in the 80's for maths 70's for english and 80's for biology... I have done well in all assessments this year except the trials...