Atar estimate
School rank :50 (30 percent over 90 ATAR in 2011)
eng adv - 160/180 (Assessment mark -44/100)
gen. math - 90/110 (Assessment mark -44/100)
econ - 29/41 (Assessment mark -51/100)
business studs - 56/58(Assessment mark -41/100) (STRONG CLASS)
ancient history -...
Atar estimate
School rank :50 (30 percent over 90 ATAR in 2011)
eng adv - 160/180 (Assessment mark -44/100)
gen. math - 90/110 (Assessment mark -44/100)
econ - 29/41 (Assessment mark -51/100)
business studs - 56/58(Assessment mark -41/100) (STRONG CLASS)
ancient history -...
(a)Using ONE change model, explain how change can be managed effectively in 4
(b) Using an example, explain how a manager can reconcile a conflict that has 4
arisen between two stakeholders as a result of change.
help for question 22 a) i) and a) ii)
please and b) if you can thanks
please give me dot points or answer the whole thing :)
Prine Ltd is a leading Australian manufacturer of hearing aids. One
of the business’s new hearing aids has been successfully launched
in Australia and Prine Ltd now plans to expand to Europe and
North America.
The senior...
school rank :50 (30 percent over 90 ATAR in 2011)
eng adv - 160/180 (Assessment mark -44/100)
gen. math - 90/110 (Assessment mark -44/100)
econ - 29/41 (Assessment mark -51/100)
business studs - 56/58(Assessment mark -41/100) (STRONG CLASS)
ancient history - 52/60 (ASS MARK-...
school rank :50 (30 percent over 90 atar)
eng adv - 160/180 (Assessment mark -44/100)
gen. math - 90/110 (Assessment mark -44/100)
econ - 29/41 (Assessment mark -51/100)
business studs - 56/58(Assessment mark -41/100) (STRONG cLASS)
ancient history - 52/60 (ASS MARK- 50/100)
school rank :50
eng adv - 160/180 (Assessment mark -44/100)
gen. math - 90/110 (Assessment mark -44/100)
econ - 29/41 (Assessment mark -51/100)
business studs - 56/58(Assessment mark -41/100) (STRONG cLASS)
ancient history - 52/60 (ASS MARK- 50/100)
INTERNAL Marks estimate??
what external mark would i get for ancient history if im ranked 50/60 and my assessment mark is 55 and also my school rank is 50
what external mark for ECONOMICS would i get if im ranked 29/41 and my assessment mark is 50 and...
what external mark would i get for ancient history if im ranked 50/60 and my assessment mark is 55 and also my school rank is 50
what external mark for ECONOMICS would i get if im ranked 29/41 and my assessment mark is 50 and school rank 50