So true!
I dont think it was too bad. I'm feeling a mark betweek 48 and 55 (with 48 accounting for silly errors). Pretty happy overall. Hopefully this mark makes the E4 cutoff.
So I know this a bit late, but I'll update everyone with what I have decided upon.
I have decided to keep Extension 2 after having a chat to guy who did Actuarial Studies. He confirmed everything that you guys said about how the course is hard yet rewarding and advised me to keep with Extension...
So I got my half yearly back: I came 2nd out of 4. 1st: 70.5% 2nd (me): 70% 3rd: 57% (beat me last assessment) 4th: ?? (going to drop)
The teacher said that she set the test hard but it was only on complex numbers (I'm good at that) and graphs (also good at). The last two questions (harder...
My subjects:
Mathematics Extension 2
English Advanced
Business Studies
Software Design and Development
There is so much work involved in Extension 2, and I really don't want to continue with it. I got 68% in the first assessment task (15% in-class test) and I just did my half...