I know there is a graduate in a different office who has a guide dog. Though obviously I can't pay it. I do live near a park now and just watch other people's dogs running around and that's good enough for now :lol:
Thank you!
The speeches weren't too bad overall. It was quite a long ceremony so it got a bit draining by the end (had early lunch because I had to be there by 1 and once you factor in getting ready and travel time it sucked).
Highlights included discovering what's in the random cupboard in...
Ah yeah I haven't seen the central courtyard (might be a bit ofna suprise to all the graduating students today).
I wonder what they'll do about lectures/other classes in thr building formally known as e7b? I can see it now: They cal my name and an entire lecture of isys100 kids comes pouring...
Is it really not mid semester break? They advertised free parking across campus for starters, and I really don't want some shitty first year couple ruining my stereotypical lake photo. Uh
Macquarie University train station upgrade announcement
The Minister for Transport, The Hon Andrew Constance MP, has announced that Macquarie University train station will be closed from 30 September 2018 for around seven months to enable conversion to the new Sydney Metro Northwest.
Hey Lightoftheseven,
I found an old transcript. It does list your expected completion, degree you'd be getting and date you nominated you expect to complete right at the bottom :)
You can fill it out at any time in the last year of your degree. It doesn't actually show up anywhere on your transcript from memory.
If you don't complete your degree in the semester yup specified (eg. you said semester 2, but failed a unit), you can just submit a new one for semester 3.
It was multiple choice and case study.
You are not given the questions before hand, bit you are given some general case information. The questions in this are most similar to the discussion forum ones, but they are by far the most difficult questions you'll get in the unit.
So there is a user sending PMs asking for unit answers in exchange for money.
I'm not going to encourage this behaviour, but remember if your handing over those answers one day you could be hiring or competing for the same job the idiot that bought his way though university, and won't you feel...
I just took this in session 3 (so the course structure may vary slightly).
Online quizzes were available for 48 hours at a time. You attempted the quiz whenever you were able to during that time. From memory you had 2 hours, and about 14 multiple choice questions. Veyr straight forward.
Oh man I got an email with details about when my graduation ceremony is.
Apparently it's the FBE ceremony for accounting and marketing, but I'm graduating with a BSc :lol:
It never ends
"This letter is to certify that ILIKECATS has qualified for the award of Bachelor of
This award will be conferred at a graduation ceremony in April 2018.
If you require any further information regarding this letter, please contact Macquarie University at
the address above."