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    med sci transfers

    as in I live in sydney and im worried I might not be able to handle living on GC for the whole 6 years... I want a back up ahhaa
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    med sci transfers

    hi ! im not really sure what forum to post this in, but I was just wondering if anyone can help me out... im going to accept an offer to griffith med sci (provisional entry to med) assuming I get it, fingers crossed.. but just in case I cant live away from home is it possible to transfer to...
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    CSSA 2013 MX2 Trial Discussion

    Re: 2013 CSSA 4U Maths thoughts? it was wayy better than last years cssa paper, but just one question... how were u meant to prove the last induction question (q16) true for n=1? i kept getting RHs =1 and LHS = 0.5 and obvs LHS wasnt greatter omggg spent like half an hour on that !
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    sulfurous acid

    yeahh lmao but a past cssa paper soln says it strong ?
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    sulfurous acid

    is sulfurous acid strong or weak ?
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    integration help !

    ohhh jokes my long division was wrong and this is a definite integral in my textbook. i had a 2 instead of a 4 nek minut...hahahah thanks guys !!
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    integration help !

    heyyy if anyone is bored and wants to help ! ∫x^3/(2x+1) dx i tried dividing the thing first but i didnt get the right answer :/
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    How to get rid of tutor

    omg hahahah tell them you cant keep up with the work load !
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    Personalised HSC Timetable Dates

    whens ipt ? stupid school hasnt given us our student numbers -_-
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    hahhaa hard !! was reading about it and had no idea what it meant lmaaoo thanks :)
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    is an inclined asymptote the same as an oblique asymptote ? like do they mean the same thing ?
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    compare homeostasis and enantiostasis

    strong source/10 :p
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    compare homeostasis and enantiostasis

    my biology teacher 'hinted' that comparing and contrasting enantiostasis with homeostasis would be useful for our upcoming half yearly... ive got definitions for both but im not sure what there similarities are besides they both permit an organism to survive in varying conditions ?
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    mathematical induction step 4

    okay thanks :) and for the idiots that asked me if im stupid, gtfo off this site if u dont want to help others !
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    mathematical induction step 4

    just wondering, do you lose marks for omitting step 4 from induction? the one about if it is true for n=k, then it must be true etc. and can we just use the same one for all induction types ? since when did maths require essays -_-