Probably 90-95%ile. But one test isn't reliable, a better estimate is the average of all your practise tests done under exam conditions. Generally I think +10%ile is a decent estimate.
Since bonded has been reduced to 1 year, you're almost shooting yourself in the foot if you don't tick it. It's a personal decision though, this is just my opinion.
Lol how is it 'unhygienic af'.. Universities can't force people to donate their bodies so they're left with what they have got left and I'm pretty sure all bodies undergo testing for certain viral and bacterial illnesses before they are used
It's been more of a transitional process as universities changed from dissections to prosecutions mostly due to cost I think and maybe lack of donated bodies..
You sure they still do it as part of their med degree? Pretty sure it's got its own course nowadays and all universities only use prosections for the purposes of medical teaching
I honestly understand the big issue of supply/demand in medicine and training for a long time and not being able to land a job as a consultant at the end of the tunnel but in all honesty, people in medicine probably have it easier than other degrees (law, commerce etc) where the supply/demand...
source: 3 of my mates are in combined medicine at usyd.
Ps. No need for the condescending language or the passive aggressiveness. Just trying to inform future meders, it's nothing personal..
Precisely. There is usually not a huge number of interstaters. And Rena what is written on their website is hugely different to what happens irl. The spots are defs not limited to 30 and they will take as many .95ers as they can and just adjust their post-grad admission accordingly. The...
As long as they dont say something ridiculous in the interview, they'll get in. In previous years only 1-2 people who got .95 missed out..
Fantastic table... Very helpful overall.
haha yeah no i am not saying unsw rural is bad at all lol but in reality most medical school's rural clinics have very good teaching and is not limited to unsw. I was more in line with 'every uni thinking they're the best at everything'. If anything I think the leader in rural health education...