yeah i feel sorry for him too, but i still can't believe people are saying liberal over labor. If they win our education will be flushed down the toilet.
4 years worth in two? from what i read i thought you still only do 24 credit points per they have trouble with it? (the study load)
Can you by any chance do it part time?
Riproot is right, I'm at usyd and transferring from what i have read is not so hard.
BUT you should seriously go and speak to the science faculty at usyd, or just email the usyd admissions center ask them all these questions just so you know for sure from them.
Good luck by the way
don't mean to hi jack the thread, but im studying B sci and was looking into the postgrad speech path. Do you have an idea of how intense it is compared to the undergrad? you said some of your peers are doing it.
Hope you can help.
Thank you in advance
Thanks guys for all the replies
I went and spoke to the assistant dean and she gave me the all clear to transfer. and all my science and arts units apparently will be transferred as well.
From what i have read it includes all the intermediate and senior units of it wont include my junior arts but will include my senior arts and senior science...
I read that there is a 96 credit point limit so 84 cp is alright?
ALSO- does anyone know the process, as in when you lodge your application when is is processed and when do you get to know the result?
Do they just accept your application or do they give you an "offer" and you have to accept...
well im doing B sci and B arts...
2nd year phsi isnt that difficult and the only math (in general) is when you are doing the reports they want you to analyse data. which is really not too bad.
if you dont want a major with math why not do anatomy? Im currently doing 2 units of anat and so...
so you are in a combined as well and you will credit transfer your arts?
Yeah i have a friend who transferred and they accepted her german units. But then i emailed the undergrad assistant he gave me a wishy washy answer about not being 100% sure.
I'm a 2nd year student, and i think i might want to transfer from my combined arts and science degree to just a Science bachelor.. has anyone done this?
And if you have do you know if they accept arts units on the credit transfer form, is this something that they always do?
I would like...