I do 1hr of phys, 1hr of chem, 1 hr of MX1, and 1hr of MX2 each night.
Thats roughly speaking, I judge tasks by length to be an hour and usually am right within 5 minutes. And yes you read correct, I dont do english on a regular basis. I rote essays n creatives the night before lol.
Hiya, im from top 3 school, wondering what ranks I need fo 99.70? im top 10 in everything except english, a fair bit further down -_- Can I keep it there or do I need to be top 5 in all?
Sorry i meant 99.7 not 99.95 lol
99.95 would be nice of course but main goal 99.7
Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon
sandeep, your name should be sakdeep, thats a more common indian name isnt it? LOL
and William Sidis I can't think of a fast way to do your question! I can only think of a rather tedious one.... -_-
what shortcuts r there?
Join the right wing brother. Fucking leftist pricks on this planet are stuffing the world up. Right wing is the order of nature, the way to go, the fundamental laws of a successful society are rooted in the right wing. RIGHT RIGHT and MORE RIGHT.
god that cracked me up hahaha
There is indeed a massive problem if idiots are amongst the ranks of intellectuals, this must be fixed!
at my school though its another story, its all intellectuals who cant be differentiated lol, or rather, its super difficult to differentiate them -_-
Bro, what the hell, "the koran's implication upon islamic way of life" is stating that the koran dictates the islamic way of life
Is the word "problem" in there anywhere? Are the words "Islamic way of life is a problem" in there anywhere? NO
No matter what way you interpret it, there's...
I am not treating them like a disease no! I am not saying anything! Did I mention I have an opinion?? I DONT HAVE A GODDAMN OPINION I simply said this is scaring the shit out of me, and I am answering all YOUR questions because you are all too lazy to read the speech.
FOR FUCKS SAKE are you...
Not at all, we now know very much about the koran and all its implications upon the islamic way of life. There are a very great many of university students and graduates who based their studies upon every imaginable aspect of islam you can imagine, the depth of knowledge we have about it is far...