It'd probably be fine going on your own, like you could always get with someone their. I'm going to have to go on my own since like I only know one other girl who's going to uts and she like hates me cause I got with her boyfriend senior year so I'm just gonna go and probably try to get with...
ack my name was wrong too, my middle name wasn't their so I had to fill out the name correction form and hand it in at the student centre. They said it would take like two weeks or something for changes to occur but on the site it said 2 days but whatever I guess it's gonna take two weeks cause...
Okays I'm like sad now they gave me an offer for medical science which was my last preference over my first preference which was business and commerce property :'(
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if like non-HSC weighted assessments affect rankings or mark cause like I didn't study for my maths test and yeah.
Also does semester weighting or syllabus component and weighting mean it's HSC weighted or is it like to see performance or something?