Hey guys, so I called up USYD, and basically, if you applied to a course that involved either the Conservatorium or the Sydney College of the Arts conditional offers go out on or before 10 December and Unconditional Offers from 17 December onwards :)
Anyone else out there who hasn't gotten any reply of their results yet? Starting to freak out.. hope my application was actually properly processed....
This is just a random thing i thought of today...how do you think markers respond to humour? Like I was thinking of a response to a Med Phys question which was to justify the claim: 'Have a CAT scan - live longer', and in my head I was thinking it's inaccurate because you'd probably have a heart...
Lol so turns out I've damaged the nerves in my neck from weeks of bad posture while studying which has subsequently made my hand numb as fuck to the point I can't even grip a pen properly. Cool. I'm getting an MRI soon (guess it'll help with my Med Phys knowledge?) but I have no idea what I'm...
So, 6 days before the HSC, I've come across a huge problem. I think i have writer's cramp, my handwriting is so bad that it's actually uncontrollable. I did a full paper yesterday without 'warming up' I guess, and now it's been numb for a day and it was feeling a little weird while I was...
Hey guys,
So I know there are probably heaps of other older posts like this but I finished my trial block a few days ago and the more I've mulled over my exams the more I've realised I've stuffed up big time. My ranks certainly will have dropped in all my subjects, and I'm feeling really...
Same thing happened to me. I went up to my eco teacher and I said: "I think I'm dropping economics." She looked at me and laughed, and I told her that I was serious. Then she was silent for a good half minute, stared me down with her slanted judgy eyes and just said: "No you're not." Then she...
hey guys has anyone filled out the encore form? i can't seem to find where you can say that a piece is for extension, seems like only core and elective components are available. anyone else having the same issue?