Yes creative was pretty good, it left room for so much interpretation! Reading was the worst in my opinion... finding techniques and even understanding the poem was bad
Draw inspiration from books, movies anything and try to make it your own :) The best thing you can do is write stories and hand them up to your teachers to mark. Even if you feel that they are horrible, just do it! When you get them back, stick around and ask how you can improve. Keep doing this...
14 is no age to raise a child. People get to the age of 20 and still don't feel ready. Do not do something you will regret! If you are persistent on having sex ( though you aren't of the age of consent and it will be considered rape) then make sure to use protection. You do not want a child!!!
I've read comments by markers who say that you should never really write about inanimate objects but amazing writers can pretty much ignore all the rules!
“Gliding softly between the aisles, and guided by an imperfect gleam of moonshine that shone faintly through the illuminated windows, he stole towards the tomb of Alfonso, to which he was directed by indistinct whispers of the persons he sought”.
I suck at this, i just can't seem to pin point...
"Good the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.”
I am at my wits end because i cant seem to figure it out and have been staring at it for like 20 minutes! :cry: