Graduated two years ago and visited this page in curiosity to find a dozen people still inboxing me for my report. As I said two years ago, it's still in the geography resource section within the "Preliminary Courses" I think it's called. Here's the link to it anyways -...
To all the people emailing me for my report, I uploaded it to the resource section of geography under 'Senior Geography Project - Traffic Analysis Report'. Message me if you have any questions regarding the assignment. Cheers
This doesn't relate to Mcdonald's as much but would it be hard to get a good job if you're 19/20yo with no work experience at all? Or would you have to work somewhere like Maccas first to get experience before being able to get a more "advanced" job such as a waiter in a restaurant?
Hey all,
I need help thinking of inquiry questions for the urban dynamic 'urban decay and renewal'. My class recently did field work in an area called Kajang (in Malaysia) which, as you'd expect in a nearly 3rd world country, there was a lot of urban decay. However there was a bit of urban...
I did mine on how external factors (e.g. day, time, weather etc) affect traffic conditions. Literally stood on a bridge twice a day for two weeks counting the amount of vehicles that passed in 2 minutes. Then I recorded weather conditions, the day, the time and all that to see how it influenced...
They only cane boys here. I'm safe :P I love to sleep early, like around 10pm but nowadays I'm usually up until 11-12 finishing work.
I kinda tried that today actually. I tried studying from 5:30 - 6:30 (with no success), so I just decided to sleep for an hour and see how I felt when I woke...
School library closes at 4:20 and I usually leave when school finishes at 3:10, so I could probably stay that extra hour. As for libraries, I live in Malaysia so travelling in the afternoon is a pain in the ass in terms of traffic jams. Public transport is also a nightmare so getting there would...
I don't know why, I just find it easy to focus around that time. It's hard to explain
I usually get home at 4 or 5pm, eat and relax, most days I go to gym or for a run from 6-7 (I know it probably wastes study time but I need it in my life), then have dinner, shower etc procrastinate some more...
I'm determined to do well in HSC and complete all my assignments before the hand in date so I can get them drafted etc but as soon as I get home I'm just not motivated to do anything and I procrastinate easily.
But around 11 my head finally switches on and I can actually do work, but I hate...
Thanks heaps! Yeah seems like the better option to drop it. The only problem with me self-teaching is that we hardly learnt anything in year 11 so I don't understand simple concepts that would be useful for year 12 thus making it difficult to learn.
Just started year 12 and can't decide whether it's worth dropping chemistry or not. Our chemistry teacher is new and from an IB system and doesn't know how to teach the HSC course properly + time management problems. In year 11, we hardly learnt anything and finished the year not even going...