You can't blame your teacher. After all, it's an ESTIMATED ATAR. She doesn't work for UAC nor does she have any inside information on how to calculate ATAR.
I dont think it seems off to be honest with you.
Those mark differences to me indicate that the exams your school set, and the marking criteria for your school exams, were very lenient and easy relative to the HSC.
The marks your school sends to BOSTES goes through a moderation process...
Employment for science related degrees (research) are really not that great.
You're better off combining your science degree with commerce or engineering as it opens up more employment opportunities.
Not necessarily lol. Regardless of what subject you do, in order for scaling to be on your side or for scaling to be great, you yourself need to get high marks.
I did standard english (got 89) and ended up with a 98.20 ATAR.
So no, doing standard doesnt screw you up, provided you do well.
Good luck everyone! This time last year, i chucked 2 all nighters because of how nervous i was LOL.
Also if you guys are going to use ATAR calculators to get a rough estimate, use the MATRIX atar calculator. It gives you a close estimate to what you'll actually get.
If you fail, then yes. If i can remember correctly, you only need to pass 1101 (and 1251) in order to be able to do ACTL2111 and ACTL2131. If you fail 1101, then you'll have to do an extra year cos it's only offered in sem 2.
Commerce is a competitive course at UNSW with a lot of students putting that down as their preferences.
I highly doubt you'll get into Commerce during first round offers.