1.5 years is almost a third of your degree, don't overestimate the credit recognition you will get if you do choose to transfer to UNSW. Sure it's a more prestigious university but does that really matter in the grand scheme of things? Depending on what you want to be doing for a career, I'd say...
It's a bad idea, why would you want to do 14??? Focus your time on the 10 units that will count. I recommend sticking to 12 that way you have a failsafe subject if one does go bad.
I completed subjects under the Engineering stream not the science stream. I'm doing a bachelor of business bachelor of science in IT and want to get the subjects I did before in software engineering to not go to waste, somehow make them count as elective subjects.
Hey guys,
Anyone know if I would be able to get subjects that I completed from another course (software engineering) to count as electives for my current degree (Bachelor of science in IT)? The idea of a double major isn't too exciting :P
No, repeating year 12 is never worth it. Take the time instead to just go to university and enrol in a similar course to the one which you actually want to do then transfer later on. Transferring is quite easy once you have good marks at uni and you won't be too far behind on your course. Also...
Hey Man, it's completely normal to feel overwhelmed with what you want to do at uni, I've changed courses three times LOL. I'd say go to open days and talk to current students doing the courses your interested in. Look at the subject outlines to get a feel for the subjects that you will do and...
The idea of a crypto ETF is interesting but I don't see it ever growing in the future. It was a quick cash grab for the people that were in it in the right time and right place. Just invest in regular ETFs like IOO, VGS that show steady returns and be in it for the long run. Dump a regular...
Shyness isn't going to get you anywhere in the world. You have to talk with people no matter what you choose to study. Uni is mostly group work so regardless if you do engineering or not you will be talking to lots of people. Once in the workplace, employers look for soft skills as well as...
Re: Coalition ‘alarmed’ after students with Atars as low as 17.9 accepted into teachi
This news is nothing new, universities are no longer about providing a great education for students, instead they are money hungry and will do anything to get students in the door. I know a few people that got...
Hey guys,
Is there any difference between these two subjects, I'm in IT so i'm not to sure on which of these I am supposed to be doing. I'm enrolled in networking fundamentals but some sources say this is for engineering students as opposed to IT students?
Hey Man,
Don't stress, it's normal to not know what to study, think instead about what interests you or what your passionate about. Don't do a degree because you think it will have high paying job prospects, do something you will enjoy, it's better to be studying something which you enjoy than...
So how do I go about resigning?
I've been employed as a night fill team member for just over a year and due to other work commitments/study can't work anymore.
How much notice should I give, who do I write the resignation letter to and what should I write?
I won't be able to work this saturday, when I try to put in annual leave for that day in successfactors it says: Unplanned Leave cannot be entered or approved in the current week for Kronos employees. Please enter the leave in Kronos.
What the fuck is Kronos?