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    Probability Question

    Found in Cambridge 3U Textbook. Chapter 10H, Q22(a). A poker hand of five cards is dealt from a standard pack of 52. Find the probability of obtaining one pair. Deceptively simple, can't get it. The answer is P(e) = 352/833, how did they get that?
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    CSSA 3 Unit answers

    Me too please - PM'ed you my email
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    General Thoughts: Economics

    I thought it was on the tougher side relative to past years. Multiple Choice: Took some thinking. Many questions involved "which answer is MORE CORRECT" rather than "which answer is OBJECTIVELY CORRECT". Short Answers: Unconventional, but I was quite happy with them. Pymble Ladies' College...
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    USYD combined law atar is lowered...

    Apparently it's being lowered again to 99.30, and UNSW is lowering their cutoff to 99.25. Can anyone confirm?
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    Compulsory Studies Of Religion

    I go to a private Catholic secondary school, and I thought I'd raise the subject of many schools such as this making Studies Of Religion I/II compulsory. My opinion has always been that when parents choose which school to send their children to, they send them to one based on the values which...