permutations and combinations is hard to understand, its mostly reading the question right but some are so hard to understand what they're asking for or which way to do them. I lost all my marks in my test on permutations and combinations but i probably should have studied more than 2 hours for it
ofc you should stay on, as long as you can still get a band 6 or 5 you should continue.
I'm on 76 %ish so far after 2 assessments (40% of internals) but I know i can still get a band six due to the cohort being fairly clustered so 81% in something that is worth 7.5% is nothing to worry about...
I'm struggling to find a good related text for journeys which can't be a book and many of the poems which 've wanted to do have already been taken by my classmates. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
NOTE: You will need to include sources in your response by providing a bibliography and details of the sources you used to research this task. Any references to sources need to be cited in the task. You will also need to provide a word count of your task.
Is this just a normal bibliography or...
Base your choice on 1 of two things: what subject you like most or what subject will allow you to get the best ATAR.
Business and PE would require far less work to do well in and are far easier than Chem however I think Chem is the most interesting out of the three.
I personally really like...
All I've gotten so far is that many businesses will aim to achieve profit maximisation to make the owners of the company (shareholders) happy and that trying to achieve this goal is the main influence on the decisions and behaviour of a company.
would anyone know other reasons why profit...
find the sum of the first 10 terms of the series
3+7+13+...+ [2^n+(2n-1)]
I have no idea how to find the ratio from this, all I've done is just find the individually and add them together but I'd really like to know how to find r and do this question using a formula
Triangles is easily the best way, just draw them when you need to and your good, or just imagine them in your mind and work of that
wow that is really expensive, you could go to a top tutoring centre for that price.
At the tutoring place i go to you do a 2.5-3 hour class lesson each week and then you have at least 1 1.5 hour tutorial each week in which a tutor can help you with questions and explain concepts and things...