My school is ranked around 20th in the state and my Ranks are:
Advanced English- 70/135
English Extension- 18/33
Mathematics- 17/90
Mathematics Extension: 50/97
Legal Studies - 10/20
Ancient History: 9/36
History Extension: 1/8
2014 Accelerated Society and Culture: 89 HSC...
I've gotten a feeling from talking to a bunch of current Bacc students that its not much extra curricular activities such as sport but they're more interested in activities that show that you have a good sense of teamwork and are a good communicator. So instead of simply partaking in sports you...
Hey. I just got an interview for the UTS Bacc and I was wondering if there was any specific advice or pointers that you guys could give me about the whole group activity/ interview process.
School Rank: 10-20 over the last 5 years
Advanced English: 59/130
Mathematics: 40/115
Extension Mathematics: 35/96
Ancient History: 11/36
History Extension:1/10
Legal Studies: 12/19
Society and Culture (Accelerated) 89 HSC Mark
Hey guys, I'm Stevebt
My Subjects for 2015 at the moment are:
English Advanced
Extension English
Extension Mathematics
Legal Studies
Ancient History
History Extension