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Search results

  1. A

    Frank hurley!!!

    Hahaha my teacher can see through my elaborate vocab and lack of substance. Thanks though
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    101 Advice for Summer Holidays

    you mate are a saviour...
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    How are you spending your Summer Holidays?

    i had three weeks to study.. now i have only one considering i'm going to sydney for summer school for two weeks... and a large workload... :( #regrets
  4. A

    Roll Call: Class of 2015

    Hi guys! Yushi Physics Chem English Adv 4 Unit Maths and.. Biology.. but seriously considering dropping.. what do you guys think i should do? oh & aiming for Med :P
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    Anyone doing tsfx summer school?

    YES! Not sure how it'll go! be there for two weeks! what courses are you doing? if its good i'll go again for lectures in april :) haha
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    Frank hurley!!!

    Hey guys! We are studying Frank Hurley, and i have absolutely no idea on how to connect with the text or analyse it and i have an essay due by the end of the holidays and i am just stressing because i suck at discovery! what a crap topic