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    Asked for a remark, still failed..... help please

    I am pretty certain i did address the particular topics I didn't copy the past reports or anything in that matter My similarity was pretty low
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    Asked for a remark, still failed..... help please

    I went to the management administration centre today, they told me to email the remarker (Catherina Collins) Lynn Gribbles (LIC) just went on holidays the week i applied I feel like they didn't even bother giving students who remark a proper and fair assessment
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    Asked for a remark, still failed..... help please

    I am a first year arts and business student, and i undertook MGMT1001 in 2016 S1 one of the assignments that was worth 30% i had 3 different past years reports (which all scored D+)to look at, i even started the assignment 2 weeks before it was due, and was working on it daily, yet i still...
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    UNSW 2016S1 Results Thread

    I got 62 on my wam but i applied for a remark for MGMT1001 (30% report which i failed) i haven't heard anything about my remark results assuming the updated mark was not taking into consideration in the calculation of the wam, what should i do?
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    Exam Paper

    not to mention if you actually check the result for A, its negative.....
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    Exam Paper

    what do you mean its A? it's not A? integrate --> top minus bottom. you do the math lol
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon is it D?
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon distinguish between factor market and product market --> give a example of each --> identity two government policy, 1 aimed at factor and other aimed at product. gl
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon soz i made the question up. but i think this would be enough to get 4/4 • The terms of trade shows the relationship between the prices received for Australian exports and the prices paid for imports. If export prices increase relative to import prices, then...
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon Explain the relationship between ToT and International competitiveness. 4 marks
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    2014 Raw (to Aligned) Marks Database (for 15 popular subjects)

    do you mind answering my question haha bump~
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon As ToT deteriorates, meaning import price has increased relative to export price, thus the BOGS component of the CA may experience more a more negative/less positive outcome. This is due to the fact that import prices has increased, meaning expenditure on given...
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon isn't decentralizing the wage system considered as a labour market reform, meaning its a long term policy which is aimed to address the supply side?
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    2014 Raw (to Aligned) Marks Database (for 15 popular subjects)

    Hey, a friend of mine said this aligned mark various depending on your school rank and cohort performance in the actual HSC, is that true? or does the aligned mark apply to anyone in any school as long as they achieves the raw mark?
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    A State Ranker's Guide to Economics

    free bump amazing guide ^__^
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon ohh haha i see. you think my response would score ?/5? lower prices --> lower inflationary pressure? or you mean it as a negative due to possibility of deflation?? is the innovation policy in the marking criteria? :)
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    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon Product market reform such as the National Competition Policy (1995) is an ongoing microeconomics reforms in Australia which regulates PTEs and infrastructure industries in an aim to eliminate anti-competitive behavior such as monopoly pricing and exclusive...
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    CSSA Business Studies Marks

    you got 99 for both eco and business? damn! congrats
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    "The most correct answer"

    business trials tomorrow. any advices? x__x literally have business 40mins after Paper 1 finishes