Yes, its another one of those posts. Tossing up between Economics/Actl Studies at UNSW and Dentistry at La Trobe, Bendigo. I live in Sydney and achieved an ATAR of 99.50. I was a maths and science type person but also did well in and enjoyed economics. Ive given this a lot of thought throughout...
Hi guys, just wondering what the catch is with Griffith? With the only requirements being a 99.60 ATAR for Med and a 99.10 for Dent, why aren't people just flocking to Griffith? The cutoff for Dent is especially low (relative to other courses of its calibre of course), so what's the catch? I...
Hm yes that would make sense, but would they accept me? I will do my research into this, but would you happen to know what the admission requirements are in any parts of Asia?
Any countries where I can study medicine without paying absurd amounts of money? My idea of something reasonable is ~150k that can be paid on a loan, or 200k on a loan at the very most. If it means anything, I'm ranked first in all my subjects with an ATAR estimate of ~99.7 (and studying a lot...