For me it was :
Section I: 4 pages
Section II: 3 pages
Section III: 4 pages
hopefully a miracle happens and i scrape into a Band 5 if not a Band 4 is totally fine !
So happy, forever done with English no more analysing of texts. Well, except if my paper goes missing ahahahah lol :spin:
I know this is the wrong place to be in but i feel so Shit !
Applied for the GLEP with B. International studies and I got in but i really wanted to apply for B. Laws however i was scared and had to be 'realistic' my friend got in and two others from different schools. Got a reply from Notre...
I just received an email i got into B international studies i'm so shocked i applied on the due date wish i got into Law though gotta fight for that ATAR though !
I applied for B. International Studies because I thought I would never get into Bachelor of Laws. I know a friend who got rejected for International studies however her rejection letter was sent to her parents not her and also a friend who got into Bachelor of Laws plus $5000 and I'm so scared I...
Is anyone attract to the same-sex ? And would like to answer my interview questions! For my IRP for CAFS it will be strictly confidential. No need to disclose your identity if you don't mind. I need you to answer the questions before the 15th November 2014. I am NOT judgmental and if you are...