I've done 2 & 3U mathematics and did fairly well. Though, my question is should I do MATH1001 or MATH1011? I know it says that those who have done 3U should do math1001, but I've heard it's mostly 4U content, and quite a difficult course.
Do you guys think I'd be okay in MATH1001?
I might not have the grades to pursue honours, and I might, for example change my mind about research after doing the course....so just wondering if I could actually do anything with just a 3 yr med science degree.
Thanks XT for your response!
Besides research or lab assistant, etc, would there be anything else a 3 yr medical science student could do? Or would that be it? (I'm guessing that's it and I'm screwed)
Good luck with your degree!!! :)
This also seems interesting, I'll consider it, thank you!
But I also have a few more questions about Medical science.
If I were wanting to do something like specific research such as cardiovascular research and within this something like research in stem cells...
I know that's what most people would say like I said earlier (3)...however if there's no/low jobs then I probably won't be too happy :/ But thank you for your response
Thank you for your response, it is greatly appreciated...I'll keep thinking about it
Can anyone else please help me answer my...
Hello..I have read most of the medical science threads here and whirlpool, etc, and have seen that it is difficult to get a job with a medical science degree but I still have a few questions...
1)How are the job prospects for a Medical science graduate in Medical research with the correct...