Yeah it is. UPass is pretty cool. I'm not struggling with the subject or anything, just looking for better grades. It's a great 1 hour in which you can do some chill group study
25 people were supposed to turn up today and only 10 came so just rock up to one of the sessions, there'll probably...
I take a quick look at the paper and if I don't think there is anything I will struggle with I go straight to the multiple choice.
I use my finger nails to make a little mark on the multiple choice bubbles which I think are the correct answer and the moment they say you may begin the exam/test...
On Wednesdays, the time from when I leave home till when I get back, I am out for roughly 9 1/2 hours :O
Go to your Faculty Student Centre, maybe they can help you out. That's a messed up timetable
Edit: Orrrr... just go and sit in other lectures which are more convenient for you. They don't...
Fuarkkkk... today was my first day, I'm also doing B. Business. Reading your post made me stressed -.-
Edit: iamsolost, this might help you with essay writing:
Also, contact HELPS at UTS for help with assessments and...
Didn't go to school in 2014 :/
7 days because I have classes on Feb 24, 25, 26 and March 3, 4, 5.
Travel on 6th Mar to collect ID
Should I buy an Opal Card from a news agency? Opal fare seems to be cheaper -
Went to O'day to UTS today and had to pay $10.80 for the train...
When I registered for my ID Card on the UTS website I got a time slot on the 6th of March.. meaning I get my concession then too.
I'll be going to Uni 3 days a week (Tue, Wed, Thu)
I have 7 days of travel until I get my...
Hey folks,
I've been overseas for quite a while and will be coming back to Aus soon and had some questions about travelling. I'll be travelling to UTS (Central station) 3 days a week (Tue, Wed, Thu).
I went on the website from which you can order an Opal card and saw this
From my...
How competitive is the environment at EUG/AUG?
I know it's a difficult question to answer but how good do you need to be to make it onto a popular sports team such as touch football?
If you have any past experiences or stories please share :3
Depends on whether you have any interest in a career in Law or Business Law, go with UTS if so.
Otherwise I would choose UNSW Com/Eco :)
edit: y u no answer mi question :(
Sorta f***ed up with my preferences for the main round... it's a long story but I was travelling at the time :/
UNSW said other applicants were more competitive in Feb round 1..