These are my definite subjects for yr11:
1.2 unit mats
2.Standard English
4.Business Studies
5.Photography which I'll drop in yr 12*
6.SOR 1
7. Physics or Chemistry
I'm really confused which one to pick, people say physics is really hard and so is chemistry, like for one of...
These are my definite subjects for yr11:
1.2 unit mats
2.Standard English
4.Business Studies
5.Photography which I'll drop in yr 12
6.SOR 1
7. Physics or Chemistry
I'm really confused which one to pick, people say physics is really hard and so is chemistry, like for one of the...
But I also need a backup unit in case I do bad in one of the subjects which would be better sor1 or pdhpe and if youve done pdhpe for hsc how did u find it or if u did sor 1 how was that?
IM GOING into YR 11 my definite subjects are:
-2 unit maths
-standard English
-business studies
For my last subject I wanted to do studies of religion 2 but they aren't offering it at school so i was thinking of picking studies of religion 1 (since that's...