Hey there!
So I'm currently in Year 12, and I write my study notes by the syllabus, meaning it's 200% easier to understand and word-vomit it up when exam time comes around *shudder*.
So, I'm thinking of heading to university next year and was wondering, how do university students write...
Listen up haha,
Don't be concerned if you haven't had a girlfriend before you're 18. I'm sure so many people are in the same boat as you, there's no need to worry that you're "missing out" or you're gonna be seen as "uncool" cause you've never been in a dating relationship. People come and go...
Subjects for Prelim 2K15 include:
English (Advanced)
Maths (General)
Software Design
ATAR Goal: Hmm, well obviously 100 but realistically 80+ :D