I'm thinking of getting the HSC revise in a month books but I don't know if it is worth it, they don't seem to sell them in many places but if I could get it from eBay, they seem pretty expensive. Is it really worth getting them? If it's not,any better books? But if they are good, Where could I...
I guess self teaching is the only option you have, read the text books and write notes on what you understand, if you don't get it, ask your teacher during lunch or something. Do heaps and heaps of practice papers. That's what I did for Chemistry and i got pretty reasonable marks.
You will Probably do a prac that you have already done in school, well that is what we did.
In a discussion, first write down what you did in the experiment. Then state the issues you may have faced during the prac and how you solved it or how you could have solved it. Does your results match...
As for me, i want to do medicine in the future, but to do so, i need to physics and chemistry. I have chosen all three (Bio, Chem, Phys) i think it is irrelevant that we need to do all three, so there should be a subject dedicated to medicine. In many schools, they have a subject for...