Hey guys,
So I enrolled for ECON1101, but it still hasnt showed up on moodle as one of my courses. All my other courses have (ACCT1501, MATH1151, FINS1613). Just wondering if this is normal or if I should go check it out with someone at the Uni.
Thanks in Advance,
So guys what sort of questions do they ask in the Co-op interviews? Are they related to subject content or more biased towards the community service and situational scenarios?
Do you guys think the work experience provided by the co-op program at UNSW is much better than just following a B AcSt ? And how much more worth is it
A little help from the guys here please,
So I studied GCE A Levels and took the subjects, Chemistry,Physics, Mathematics and Further Mathematics and I found a real liking in Math. I am now looking to pursue a degree in Actuarial Studies at UNSW but I just want to know is any knowledge of...