Hi guys,
What are some good tutoring places i.e. centres and private for yr 10/11s +. Enquiring for Maths and English mainly as of now in the Bankstown area.
Thanks :)
im quite sure that a state rank refers to the top 5 marks in the state. in that case 100-95 for both your hsc and assesment mark should get you a state rank. i know that last year the highest was 98/100 for eco. lost two marks in mcq rip :(
you reckon this will be fine?
i pretty much drew this but zoomed out like that one hsc q where they had a diagram with the pith in the middle and xylem and phloem if you remember?
yayy u got it right haha. its cos the top half is the positive direction and vice versa. the stationary points only highlight a change in speed i.e. like it slowed down more
I prefered year 11 chem to year 12 primarily as we were being introduced to new topics like electron config and how to write equations rather than bs such as water composition and tests. Although some bits of year 12 were quite interesting have to admit.
I prefered year 12 eco way more to year...
I went pretty shit to be honest. Think I did better in trials *sigh*
Section 1 was ok but annoying how there were only three texts.
By section 2 paragraph 2, my hand was ded. I sat there for three minutes and massaged tf out of it "tenderised tf out of it"- snowflek
Section 3 was pretty shit as...