If I've posted too many threads, my apologies I am a bit obsessive with big decisions
TL;DR Advanced Science at UNSW or Science at USYD?
In the main round I'm going to be eligible for B Advanced Science (Hns) @ UNSW and B Science @ USYD
I've done my best to research the Majors I'm...
I suggest you don't actually enrol in any classes until you've went through the main round and if Macquarie is your best offer, consider it then, or perhaps after the first late round of offers in early February. The majority of people will be enrolling into units around then so there is no rush...
My selection rank is unfortunately not high enough for Advanced Science @ Sydney.
Do you feel like you've been given any extra opportunity doing the advanced degree at UNSW compared to those in the regular degree? Could you tell me about them if you have? Thanks
Thanks for your advice. Can you speak on either university? Also I've read that the Advanced Science degree doesn't offer much extra at all bar guaranteed honours and forcing you to take advanced classes. However since my dream uni has always been Sydney, would you recommend instead doing BSc @...
Put them both down if you would like to go there whether you think you will get it or not. The way offer rounds work means you always get an offer for the highest option you are eligible for. So if you put UNSW, USYD, UTS and don't qualify for UNSW or USYD you will get UTS, but on the chance you...
Could you detail your HSC results by band?
Ill assume for now HSC Plus 4 points for UNSW and 5 points for UTS since UTS give more in general.
That will get you to 87.3 @ UNSW and 88.3 @ UTS
UNSW will likely give 3 bonus points for a single disadvantage so I'd say you'd be looking at 91 +/-...
So I'm having trouble with this decision for a number of reasons but I'd just like to know what you think is better for my situation.
First off I have a selection rank of 97.85 @ ANU and 96.85 at UNSW, both guaranteed entry. I also have been admitted for BAdvSc @ MQ but am less likely to take...
Are you eligible for EAS under the ACCESS Scheme or any other bonus points?
Call 1300 UNI NSW and speak to an adviser. This is what I did and got informed of my selection rank (ATAR + bonus). They should be able to tell you your selection rank and alternative ways to get into the degree if you...
Thanks for a detailed reply! I'm looking to pursue a career in research so that's why I'm valuing the Advanced title, I know the courses aren't too different. I have guaranteed entry for B Science, I'm just hoping I can narrowly get into Advanced because I know I'm capable despite the ATAR being...
Cut Off will be 95, guaranteed is 96
87.85 Atar (FML got 89 estimates)
4 Bonus points from HSC Plus for Band 5's in chem and bio
EAS Application for Disadvantaged School and Financial Hardship
Can I just make it in? This is my dream course and I really want some piece of mind I'm a lil...
These are my HSC marks from BOSTES
EngSt - 84 - B5
Bio - 83 - B5
Chem - 80 - B5
MathGen2 - 87 - B5
PDHPE - 92 - B6
Atar Calculators have given me 89.2 - 90.2 - HSCNinja said 89.55 ± 0.6
UNSW AdvSc(Hns) 2015 cut off 95, 2016 guaranteed entry 96
I will get 4 bonus points for band 5's in bio...
Yes! You are considered for all preferences every round as long as the course has positions available. Just remember you will only get one offer and it's always the highest one you qualify for.
If you're wondering if you've received an offer log into check and change and look at your course preferences, each course will have a designated letter next to it. They each mean something different. An O shows an offer, H shows you did not qualify because you got an offer from a higher...