So in Year 11 now, and the Preliminary Modules are somewhat similar to each other.
I was wondering if the HSC modules are like this, or more similar to each other or less similar to each other.
To those who might not understand, an example is the physics prelim modules; they're not similar...
So in Year 11 now, and the modules: Moving About, the World Communicates, Electrical Energy in the Home and the Cosmic Engine are barely similar to each other. Compared to Preliminary Chemistry's modules, they are not similar to each other at all.
I was wondering if this is the case in HSC...
So it's nearly the end of Year 11, and 2U maths is my best subject (full marks so far in the assessments) and I've finished and understood (to an extent, but perhaps forgotten some things) 3U, but I haven't yet mastered 3U like I have 2U (which I did last year).
I'm just beginning 4U at my...
The function f(x) is defined by:
f(x) = ln[ 1/(1+x) ] , -1 < x <= 1
(i) Explain why f(x) has an inverse.
(ii) Find the domain of the inverse function.
I know for some such as Iron and Copper it's stated in Roman Numerals, but I also know there are standard ones as well. For example: Silver is +1, Nickel is +2, Zinc is +2.
Does anyone know more standard valencies, or where I can find all of them?
(new New Seniors Mathematics 3UNIT Fitzpatrick) Ex13.4 pg.264
Q.10 Solve the differential equation d^2x/dt^2 +16x = 0 subject to the conditions x = 3 and dx/dt =16 when t = 0. Find the maximum displacement and the maximum speed if x metres is the displacement of the particle moving in a...