At a top tier school, and currently do-
-adv eng
-4u maths
Wanted to drop engineering since it was so hard at the start but now I have no clue out of the three electives to drop. I did bad in all of them. Thinking of keeping all three till end of the...
I honestly don't really know what I'll be doing in the Uni let alone the future.
Anyways, my subjects are (higher ranked school) Advanced English, 2U Mathemetics, Physics, Business Studies, Legal Studies and Engineering Studies.
(lower ranked school) advanced english, 3U maths, physics, business...
As the title states, should I stay at my current school ranked around 200 or leave to transfer to another school ranked top 40s?
I will be able to do 3U of maths in year 11 and 4U in 12 in my current school or should I transfer and only do 2U in years 11 and 12?
I honestly could've gotten do...
I'm applying for two other schools already for year 10 going into year 11 but I do not know if i should choose hurlstone or north syd boys as the last option and apparently there are 0 spots across all years in hurlstone.
Re: Can anyone run through me on what exactly you did to make it to a Selective Schoo
Year 9, semester 2, A in maths, science, two electives and history I think.
This year semester 1, A in maths, three electives and PDHPE. I was really close to an A for english though :(
At the moment, I am year 10 from a half-selective school(won't say which). I have in the past, applied for Sydney Techinal in year 7 and Caringbah High in year 8 both of which I was unsuccessful. Now with only less than a week to go until forms are due,
can anyone tell me your experience, or...