I can only speak for the particular degree I'm doing and yes, all the unis in Sydney I tried said they don't accept it. Not even open universities could help me out. Money well spent!
Hey it's good to know that nearly a decade later they're still as shit as ever! But you forgot the part about girls quitting in droves due to sleazy head of department and the college brushing it under the carpet because hey, what's more important? protecting a pervert or protecting young people...
Actually it's not the same degree. When I interviewed, they assured me their fake "degree" was legit and they had all these partnerships with prestigious unis both in Sydney and abroad. All lies. Now I have the choice of having to stick it out at Macleay or go back to regular uni knowing they...
LOL! It's actually more by the time they accidentally (deliberately) fuck up your FEE HELP and charge you extra for subjects you never did, then threaten you to stay quiet if you want to pursue a refund through FEE HELP. Macleay College should be on the list of dodgy private institutions in...
The last two replies to this thread are written by fake profiles paid for by Macleay to promote their scam of a "college". It's not even a proper degree. If all the people who realised how f**ked up this place was left replies here, this entire message board would crash. Do yourself a favour and...