Hi everyone! Bumping for 2019 - I'm once again open for Maths and Music HSC tutoring for 2019, starting this holidays or with the school term. Please feel free to email me to discuss details and availability!
Hi everyone, thanks to those who have contacted me. Unfortunately at this stage I'm unable to take on more students with my current time commitments - if at a later stage you are still interested in tutoring for either subject, feel free to contact me to check availabilty, and I'll see what I...
Hi everyone,
My name is Adrian and I graduated from James Ruse in 2017. I'm offering private tutoring for HSC 3U and 4U maths, as well as Music 2 (particularly composition). You can see my HSC results in my signature, and I ranked highly throughout the year, including equal 1st in Music 2...
Didn't know you were doing tutoring - also didn't know your ranks were this good! I can testify he gives solid feedback on English, on my trial creative, at the level of a good English teacher, so he would definitely make a good tutor.
!! nice haha thanks ^^
Just out of curiosity since I'm new to the scene, what connection do you have to HSC with all the work you put into these maths papers and stuff? Only if you don't mind saying.
That was impressively quick! Gonna ask my own question with a careless blunder (technically 2) I made: ellipse/hyperbola 15c.
- part i: pretty sure I did c^2 - a^2 instead of a^c - c^2 - my bad for not checking the proof in the question
- part ii: swapped + and - for hyperbola and ellipse...
>dying at someone getting 8/15 congrats Calamebe
Did a little worse than I thought, 50/58 for the marks I attempted. *shrugs* thanks for your time though everyone!
Just to check, is it too much to ask to see our papers? Only if it's not a hassle, wouldn't mind seeing the places where I screwed up when I shouldn't have :o
(I haven't looked at the paper since, decided past HSC papers were a bit more down to earth wew)
Did 4U only - it was challenging as expected (duh!) but I still enjoyed it. q16 looked quite interesting, and while I didn't get to do more than one mark of it, I'm looking forward to trying it at some future point, without time pressure. The rest were, to me, a good mix of doable to borderline...