Do you mean if the guaranteed ATAR is 90 and you get 88 ATAR. Would you be considered?
Yes you usually would be considered given that their are slots still available
You should double check the ATAR Profile of last year for the course you want to do to see their guaranteed selection and the...
Hello all, Just some quick questions about WSU Policing Course.
What's the difference between the leadership program and non leadership program?
what's this internship they keep talking about in the description of their course? It's something along the lines of 20 people getting selected.
Thanks everyone for replying. But the real question is what's the difference in improvement. Given that both people have always been C grade students all their life. But Person one does not study and person two does. That's the question
Stupid question to ask as everyone knows studying will improve your results.
But just out of curiosity and complete boredom.
Does anyone actually know how much effect does not studying and actually studying will have on your results?
For example
Lets say two people attempt the same exam...
Wait, so let me get this cleared up. So the HSC does not actually cover any year 11 content and mainly focuses on year 12 content?
If so does this mean that I won't need to learn the basic calculations like employment and equilibrium?
Hi just a few questions to help solve my problems.
1. How much does the Actual HSC depend on the Year 11 Content? Is it like the Sciences and Maths where HSC covers everything from year 11 and 12? or does only year 12 content matter?
2. Recently had my yearly exam for Economics in Year 11...
Just started year 12 in term 4, just wanted to ask if the HSC exam test year 11 content. I'm thinking that it only tests on basic concepts, but just asking to make sure I don't screw up.
I took a look at UMAT example questions, The Shape ones looks simple enough but I don't quite understand how the worded questions work especially the ones where it shows you a table and asks you what can be seen from the table above.
I really enjoy Science, however I did pick BIOLOGY at first as it was the only subject recommended to me. But I replaced it with Economics, not because I don't like Bio but it was something that my Brother wanted me to get into. I could've gotten into Chemistry if I applied to it, because I had...
Hi, I've been thinking about my future lately, and I've been thinking that studying Medicine wouldn't be a bad idea if I could make it in.
However I do not participate in any Science subjects currently. I'm also currently in Year 11 and aiming to be in an extension class for one of my subjects...
Quick question, any idea on what's the highest ATAR i can possibly achieve on these subjects? Only doing 10 Units worth of work, Can rejected from my applications for higher English and Maths although I've done quite well, but oh well.
The subjects that I would probably be taking in the HSC...