Hey all, starting bCom this year with majors in professional accounting and finance.
Just asking, what's the difference between professional accounting and just regular accounting? I've heard that accounting teaches you the mechanics of accounting whilst professional accounting teaches how to...
Hi all,
I've already accepted a spot at USYD bachelor of commerce, although I received a guaranteed entry for bachelor of commerce at UNSW on the 17th. I'm just wondering, was this the right choice? The main reason why I went for Usyd was convenience, prestige, and there being a stronger finance...
Fellow 91.35 here :)
It's a tough decision having to choose between unis, with there being so many choices. I have a similar dilemma too (bCom at usyd or bcom at unsw). I went with usyd for bcom, usyd business school isnt the most well known but it's got a good finance major, its pretty...
School rank ~100:
Studies of Religion I - 85% - 16/80
English Advanced - 71% - 78/100
Chemistry - 88% - 3/18
Physics - 82% - 17/34
Economics - 85% - 10/47
3U Math - 95% - 4/32
Advanced Math (91, did last year as part of accelerant program)
Help would be appreciated, cheers!
Term 2's going meh (probs gonna eat those words in a few weeks), english is a dead-weight though.
It's assessment tasks galore until the actual HSC.
Still sitting on 12 units, so I can drop a unit or two if there's a rainy day.
Downloads. You had to split it into a geo series (2^n) and an arithmetic series (n). At the end, you yeet both of them together (sum to 20 terms), leaving with 2 billion ish downloads total.
The 2u paper was not bad, only downside was q16.
Best case scenario is 90+, but the probability question and dv/d theta was definitely 3u level, I struggled with them.