woops this is a bit late but i go to ruse (2021) and your school shouldnt matter too much if you're applying. I know many people transferring from non-selective schools transferring into my grade next year (probably around a third of them) so give it a shot.
Dr Du may be a bit difficult to make it into and its very expensive, but NGO has a much easier test and is very reasonable (I think its $350 for a term). NGO Parramatta is right next to Parramatta Train station so as long as you live near a train station it should not take long to get there.
I've heard about Kurt but wanted to know what it was like. Is he really that bad or is he nice as long as you complete all your work and study for tests. I've heard good and bad experiences and wanted to know what it would be like for hard working students (I am a student from one of the Top 5...