Personally, I would do another math-based subject instead of a humanity but the subjects you've chosen are good provided you stay on top of the workload. There's a lot less memorising involved if you just stay on top of it
This is a tough situation because obviously, you want to go into two degrees that are quite difficult and require a high atar however you are mostly studying languages (which is good if your good at them) but are looking to drop biology (a subject they'll cover most of in your first term of...
Yeah, I'm doing the new physics course right now, it's actually not too different to the last course but there are more maths involved but if you stay on top of it its pretty good,
I heard that you guys were getting a new syllabus for maths so I can't help you there but I heard that there are...
If you boost your English marks to above 50% you'll be better off but it all depends on where your school is and what type of school you go to. (sad but true)
Chemistry for year 11 is hard but once you get past it year 12 is a breeze, provided you stay on top of it all you'll do well. Doing more humanities is good as there is more notes online but its all a matter of what you're good at.
Also, Investigating is kinda a mess as its a new course...
Some more notes for 1984 texts and human experiences, these ones aren't 100% complete and they don't look pretty but they are filled with good quotes and the specific human experiences.
Not exactly a thrilling read though.
Also, feel free to message me if you need any help