How the hell are you actually meant to do those abstract ass q16 questions? I've done past papers going back to like, 2003, and every single time for the last question they pull out some weird shit every year which has barely any resemblance to questions previously seen - I never can see how to...
What were you meant to say for the transmitter things placed on different levels on the comms tower? I made up some bullshit about them accidentally receiving each other's signal if they're too close but I probably shouldve just talked about different freqs and how they could interfere with each...
Gotta love how they only had one MA/VR question, I'm glad I spent several hours on that getting my understanding down pat. And the only aeronautics stuff was in relation to boats. Pretty awesome.
I don't know what a signal diode is meant to be - I just answered for regular diode (which does do rectification) and hoped that fit what they wanted. I stuffed the waveform up though because I've never seen a question like that before. For impedance I basically just said that the resistance has...
variable capacitor allows to tune for certain frequency, the standard capacitor is used to provide a more constant level of charge in the circuit - makes the output curve smooth. The diode is for rectification from AC to DC
I just wrote about cultural tension being the difference in lower and higher class - lower class has mateship and backing each other up, higher class likes profit - thus causes conflict between them - no idea if that hit the mark or not. I found I was better at the creative but I struggled with...
Same. I don't get why everyone freaks out about discursives, they're actually easier because you can throw in personal anecdotes and whatnot... don't need to rely entirely on quotes you may or may not have memorised
You'll probably be fine as long as you could back up your point with textual evidence... it actually seems the more abstract interpretations score better because it's more outside of the box. Who knows?
I never mentioned/realised the uncle was dead - I said something like, "the quote "riding the storm" elicits the imagery of two hardy individuals withstanding the intense weather"
Apparently Uncle Steve in the boomerang poem was dead - that's the connection you had to write about, the hand that reached down from the clouds (whatever the sentence was) was supposed to represent him guiding the persona's boomerangs (which I guess might be able to be interpreted as the...
What the hell was that Crucible question though? LOVE in a book about witchhunts and fear???
Advanced had a far easier question, and 1984 is a far easier book to analyse than Crucible...