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  1. Nezuko----

    Am I royally fucked for Physics?

    Yeah, you can do it. Just dedicate yourself,focus on your mistakes, and stay consistent. - I ranked 10/15 term 1 then by the end of term 4 after trials I came first in my cohort haha (cos I gapped everyone in trials)
  2. Nezuko----

    HELP enrolling into units USYD COM/LAW

    Hi! So I enrolled into a bachelors of Commerce and bachelors of Law. However, I am having trouble with the overall unit selection. - I aim to major in banking/finance. - I cannot pick majors for law, the units are basically set in stone for the first couple years (flexible with semesters)...
  3. Nezuko----

    AMA - I’m a lawyer working in a commercial law firm

    yeah, lol, year 11 me underestimated my potential (sounds egotistical), plus side i got early entry into law for uts, unsw and usyd so... lol
  4. Nezuko----

    AMA - I’m a lawyer working in a commercial law firm

    Hi!! I actually have a few questions (sorry!) 1) Is there any job opportunities for the first year or is that more second year+? 2) Are there things I should do to stand out for internships and clerkships? 3) Tips for first year law? workload tips and such? Thanks!
  5. Nezuko----


    I got USYD, UNSW and UTS Law, but its all conditional o_O
  6. Nezuko----


    Jeez, That's so good! Which one would you prefer to go to?
  7. Nezuko----


    So how did we go?
  8. Nezuko----

    Legal Predictions?

    not necessarily as they said criminal law process, and didn’t say you had to write about it, it was more of a example of what you can write about
  9. Nezuko----

    Advanced Maths Predictions

    yeah I think thats wrong.
  10. Nezuko----

    Advanced Maths Predictions

    I almost had a heart attack in the exam :eek: the examiner was like “ times up “ 2 hours and a half into the exam!! But it was for standard. Lol, but the exam was doable some questions really got ya thinking tho o_O
  11. Nezuko----

    Is legal worth keeping?

  12. Nezuko----

    Is legal worth keeping?

    Can't give you that answer yet, maybe in a couple months tho ;) Heard it's different, from some of my friends. But like it's a more intense version? (Don't quote me on that) You almost learn to rewrite an essay in the liking of what is required by your job (aka less flowery language, straight to...
  13. Nezuko----

    Is legal worth keeping?

    Rumours that I've heard is that legal is taught differently and more intensely in law school. But, you can consider the current workload you have right now, the prospects of keeping the subjects such as a possible B6 based on your rank/cohort/yourself? I kept legal based on those reasons. But...
  14. Nezuko----

    Legal Predictions?

    I think investigation process for crime, but it will be out of field if they end up using international crime :eek:
  15. Nezuko----

    Can my teacher access my hsc exam ?

    Your teachers can access your marks that you get on the paper.
  16. Nezuko----

    Standard or advanced maths?

    I think first what you need to do is find out why you are hitting that average mark. amount of work does not always equal greater results, but more about effective work (do you know what you got wrong? are you finding a particular concept hard?). Generally, most of my friends that find the...
  17. Nezuko----

    Chemistry Guaranteed Questions.

    Also, to note. They are transitioning into a more "quantitative" exam, but we shouldn't neglect arrhenius theory, B-L and such.
  18. Nezuko----

    Have most people memorised their english material by now?

    generally, I just had my notes with me and answered questions with the knowledge I knew, if there was something I missed out from the paragraph I remembered I noted to revise that specific section. But I was doing this for the past 2 weeks so you kinda just subconsciously memorise it as well...
  19. Nezuko----

    What grades required for early entry

    Yeah, so I got 4 A and 3Bs (Yr 11, but the As were pretty 90% + , and Bs were mid...) and got into Bachelor of Laws UTS early entry with a provisional condition, so definitely not needed. I'm pretty sure what goes equivalent with your grades is your school's recommendation based on your...