I am also going to Year 11 next year, what should I be doing to prepare.
My subjects are:
Math adv
Eng adv
Business studies
I am also moving to a fully selective high school next year, Is there anything I need to prepared for. what should I be doing to make sure that I...
I did the Interview for Sydney Tech and I can confirm that they did not ask me any of these questions. I actually got in as well, they mainly asked me about what makes me suitable for a selective school and extra curricular and stuff. They might have asked different questions for different years...
How does it scale? I want to medicine so I've been told to do subjects that I will do good at scale well to at least some extent as I require quite a high atar. thanks
I was considering doing Biology as well but I've been told three sciences is hard, and my school is ranked in the 150s so they are really against it as well. I was also going to do Economics but was told that it has too much content so I didn't want to do that anymore, the only other option I...
Hi, I have subject selection soon and I'm thinking of doing the following subjects and I also want to do medicine in Uni. Can you guys tell me if these subjects are too hard, or if u think I should do other subjects instead.
Math ext 1
Eng Adv
Business std
SOR 2...
Any general tips for interviews? I think I speak quite well if its just like the teacher and me, but any other tips like what type of answers I should give etc
idk, I haven't received the letter yet so my dad called the school and they apparently told him that I should study, and call back if I still haven't received it yet. Kind of stressing out cuz one my friends did the exam for normanhurst and said u cant really prepare. But yeah I'm pretty sure...
I'm doing the test for Sydney Tech, I already go to a partially selective school but the school is ranked low. Any tips for the test for Sydney Tech. thanks
time passes by quickly, I thought Year 10 was ages away back in Year 8. I just want to get the most information as I can before I move on to my senior studies.