That was a really good exam. I predicted the economic enterprise question and the ecosystems one was pretty good as well. The only question that stumped me was the last skills one on the photograph.
I just mapped out the past essay questions and i feel a biophysical interactions one coming up. Management has come up 5 times since 2011 and human impacts/natural stress 4 times. Biophysical has only come up in once in 2016. Idk though
Your probably right about it being to my advantage and I agree that it should test problem solving ability, I personalty liked the decagon and cricket questions. However I also believe NESA should also have provided more appropriate sample material and had better communication to teachers over...
I'm personally not angry at the difficulty more so the lack of knowledge going into the exam. The questions were nothing like NESA had supplied or that we have seen in class which led to many students getting stumped on how to handle them. Also the wording on a lot of the questions added extra...
Honestly this new common content could mean anything for the cut off. I hope it is lower then normal accounting for the fact most of the cohort seemed to have struggled, if I was to guess I would say somewhere in the 80's
I talked about keeping the types of species the same as the internal fertilization animals included mammals reptiles and fish whereas the external fertilization animals only had amphibians and fish.
I absolutely loved crime, i got a paragraph on court jurisdiction, charge negotiation, legal aid and role of juries. The option essays messed me up in unimaginable ways.
Because the common questions were way to hard for the standard course. I personally found the decagon and cricket questions fine but the other ones were not good.