Hi everyone, I received an offer from USYD today and accepted it. However, my status is still "applicant" and "no action", and i haven't received a confirmation yet. Is this because the enrollment for my course is not yet open? If that's the case, does anyone know when it does? I couldn't find...
I thought i would get something like 96-97 external for advanced English, but ended up with 87... Also i thought i did much better in modern than ancient, but i got 97 for ancient...
Yes, but the supply voltage is still the same. But some of the potential difference is "lost"due to back emf. My confusion is, starting with the assumption (possibly incorrect) that certain amount of chemical energy in battery in required to maintain the source voltage difference, and the actual...
Yes what i mean is the actual voltage becomes V applied-back emf, so net V decreases, so does that mean a higher energy than usual is required to maintain the net voltage?
Hi guys, I have a question. If certain chemicals energy is required to produce voltage in the circuit, but due to back emf the actual voltage is less than the applied voltage, is energy being lost?